While most kiddos have a few more weeks of summer break. Teachers are back to the grind!
To show our appreciation for teachers we are offering a complementary session of beer yoga for educators tonight!
Thanks for what you do! We may even have a few yellow binders to hand out to you amazing peeps 😂😂😂
***Must have a teacher ID to receive a complementary class***
Not an educator?? Still get your booty on over for a fun class! Class fee is $15 which includes your first beer.
Class starts at 6 pm and is led by the one and only Ashley Chapa!
All levels accommodated!
Please bring a yoga mat, towel, and water. A limited number of mats will be available on site.

#feelinglazy #beeryoga #yogaandbeer #teacherappreciation #buythatbitchayellowbinder