Happy Diwali!!!
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism. It spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. 💙
We are releasing 2 tasty Diwali brews today!
~Diwali~ Back by popular demand for the 3rd year! A light beer made with 7 Indian inspired spices: tumeric, coriander, cardamon, fenugreek, fennel, ginger and cayenne pepper 🙌 Coming in at 29 IBUs and 5.8% ABV.
~Karanji Kombucha~ Flavors of coconut, cardamom, & nutmeg give this batch a sweet and tangy taste. Brewed to replicate a traditional Diwali food “Karanji” a sweet and savory dumpling. 😍
Come grab a flight with our new brews and get lazy with us, taproom is open from 5-9 pm!

#feelinglazy #festivaloflights #seecc #diwali #newbooch #beerelease #ccbeer #golocalgetlazy #belazybehappy